I’ve learned the hard way that while directly altering Plesk’s database is almost never a good idea, the Plesk database ‘PSA’ holds a ton of useful information that’s not always readily exportable from the interface. Here are a couple of useful queries. The first simply exports a list of “standard hosted” domains. The second includes client information.
You’ll need to be logged in as root.
First, Get into MySQL and use the Plesk database, “psa”:
mysql -u admin -p`cat /etc/psa/.psa.shadow`;
use psa;
Query 1: List all the standard hosted domains, send the results to a csv file:
select name from domains where htype='vrt_hst' INTO OUTFILE '/tmp/domains.csv';
Query 2: Building on that, lets add client information and sort it to make it pretty:
select cname,name from domains, clients where cl_id = clients.id and htype='vrt_hst' order by cname,name INTO OUTFILE '/tmp/domains-client.csv';
Nothing earth shattering here, but it might save you 5 minutes.